About Us

June 20, 2018 by admin


We are a search engine to find the best worksheets online.

We offer unique value to teachers, students, learners, work from home moms, parents and home schoolers by curating links to best worksheets fast, bringing value to browsers through screenshots/previews.

We never host the worksheets listed on our search results as they belong to actual creators – But we do host some worksheets created and hosted in house.

You could always reach out to use to remove any worksheet if you are not ok of your worksheets to be featured here. We can gladly remove you but would be sorry to see you go.

URLs that begin like https://url.theworksheets.com/{random alphanumberics here} are redirection urls and they would resolve to the actual worksheet document. This can be checked online through your browser as they would show you the final url on your browser url tab.

TheWorksheets.CoM brings value by curating, organizing, retrieving and serving the relevant worksheets fast to its users. We also generate, host and show the screenshots and thumbnails of the actual worksheets to make browsing easier for the users. You can easily decide if its a legit, colorful, value-adding worksheet in lesser time – by skimming the screenshots.

About TheWorksheets.Com

Printable Worksheets and Activities for Teachers, parents, tutors, and homeschool families.

We spent years to build this website collecting more than 24000+ worksheet titles spread throughout the Internet.

We experienced and understood the pain of teachers and parents to get access to quality worksheets for free.

24000 Titles, 720000 Worksheets – Largest worksheet finder and index on planet earth and soon mars 🙂 .

Our vision is to help teachers and parents access all printable worksheets available on the Internet before they spend time to create worksheets on their own .

We care for your little ones’ education and want them to have access to the best available material on the Internet for free.

You can however ask for our subscription based model which will bring you the updated and the latest worksheets on subscription.

We made a clear overhaul to make navigation easy for you so that you can find exactly what you need as easy as in one-click. Our search facility is super powerful which can help you find exactly what you are looking for!

Look out for our blogs where we publish the fun learning websites to keep track of so that you don’t miss out on anything and your kids/students get the best that they deserve.

If you loved our work, please leave us a comment. We are all ears for any suggestions you might have.

– Mrs.Lilly, Teacher for 30+ Years.

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