[ Free ] – 15+ Life Skills Teens Worksheets – In Color and Printable Book

January 12, 2023 by admin

15 Life Skills For Teens !

Life Skills For Teens
Life Skills For Teens

Life Skills for Teens

            The teenage years are full of change, chaos, and massive amounts of information. Teenagers are often emotional and unpredictable, partly due to all the physical and mental changes and challenges being faced. Schools push massive amounts of knowledge; at home, the teenager may retreat to find solace. The problem arises when these same teenagers are ready to graduate and have missed out on many basic skills and general knowledge areas because so much other information is being shared. The great news is that the 16 Life Skills For Teens workbook can help fill in the gaps in general knowledge of necessary life skills. Each section addresses an important area of knowledge that can help your teen move into their adult life more prepared for the world. Keep reading to understand the different areas covered by this downloadable workbook.

Conflict Resolution

            You may hope your child gets through life conflict free, but this is an unrealistic hope. Knowing how to handle conflict appropriately is a skill that is rarely taught. Using a simple worksheet, your teen can write out the terms of the conflict and work through the best options for handling that specific conflict. The worksheet can be used many times depending on the type of resolution needed.


            Even adults often struggle with money management, but teenagers may have little concept of budgeting, especially if they are not yet earning their own money. Help your teen learn to budget their weekly allowance, a first paycheck, and eventually bills with the simple weekly budget chart shared within the workbook.

Car Maintenance

            Owning or using a vehicle is a privilege, but knowing how to care for that mode of transportation is a life skill that too many overlook. The basic worksheet included in the book will help even young teens learn the tools needed for beginner car maintenance. Even if your teen never learns major car repair, understanding the basics is imperative.

Directions and Map Reading

   Cell phones have made map reading almost obsolete, but the skill is necessary if your phone is missing, not working, or taking you in the wrong direction. Help your teen learn to read an old-school map and understand the use of a legend and compass with a simple worksheet.

Health and Hygiene

            Illness happens, and sometimes you can prevent illnesses like food poisoning by knowing what to look for when purchasing food. One worksheet specifically covers food poisoning, but another goes more in-depth with health and hygiene to remain healthy. Many people assume hygiene tips are simply learned over time from parents, but teens can overlook certain issues that may be obvious to adults. Also included is a list of vitamins necessary for good health and the foods that contain those vitamins to help create a healthy, balanced diet. Help get your young teen started the right way with this workbook.

Dreams and Goals

            Parents may hesitate to admit it, but a teenager is entering adulthood. Goals and dreams are coming to light, and the work must be started in these early teenage years. Help your teen consider their future life and the necessary steps to reach each goal. Remind them that dreams and goals can change over time, but the work required toward a goal will not.

Feeling and Emotions

            Teenagers are no strangers to a host of feelings and emotions. These feelings may pour out at times that do not make sense to you or your teenager. Help your teenager put words to their emotions with the worksheet included in this downloadable book. Add a second worksheet that covers empathy to help teenagers understand how others feel and how to see things from the perspective of another. Empathy can be difficult to teach and understand, but this worksheet will get you started.

Sleep Hygiene

            Sleep hygiene is a form of hygiene that few people consider, but sleep is important for growing adolescents. Unfortunately, sleep is also something that teenagers and most adults tend to overlook as important. A lack of sleep can affect every part of the body and mind, so learning about sleep hygiene is key. Help your child gain a better understanding with a few multiple-choice questions that can lead to an open discussion.

Responsible Decisions and Problem-Solving

            Decisions are a daily occurrence, but how often do teens think about the thousands of decisions they must make each day? The worksheet included focuses on bigger decisions that teenagers may face and how each decision comes with consequences. This helps teens to understand that consequences are tied to decisions and must be considered. Tied to the same way of thinking, a worksheet on problem-solving strategies can offer useful strategies when a problem arises. Sometimes teenagers accidentally create their own problems; this will help them to understand there are ways to handle the issues.

Home Maintenance

            A teenager may not be a homeowner for quite a while, but knowing the tools needed for basic home maintenance can be just as useful at home as later in life. Get your teen started with a quick worksheet that could easily lead to a simple task at home.


            Self-care is part of overall health, but teenagers may focus more on spending time with others than caring for themselves. Help your teenager set a self-care routine and activities that will benefit them emotionally and physically over time. Each self-care routine will be different, even within the same families, so take the time to help your teen find what works for them.


            Being a teenager is difficult, to say the least. Help give your teen a leg up in the world by sharing basic skills in a simple, straightforward manner. So download the book and get started as soon as possible.

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