20 Life Skills Worksheets for Grades 3-4

October 30, 2019 by admin

Life skills including self esteem, decision making, smoking, advertising, communication and social skills are covered as part of this worksheet collection. Life Skills comprise of skills that are necessary or desirable for participation in everyday life in society. Learning how to anticipate various scenarios in life equips them with the tools on how to effectively manage the situation.

The following worksheets involve various Life skill situations that facilitate students into making the right choices. Its goals, objectives and performance indicators have been identified for each lesson in the LST Program Curriculum.

Life skills worksheets – grade 3 to 4

Life Skills Worksheets Listing,

Worksheet 1: Self Esteem (L1)  

Lists activities and behaviors that increase self-esteem, brainstorm and report the factors that create self-esteem.

Grades 3-4

The learner is encouraged to identify what self-esteem means to them. They were given five different phrases of how they can boost their self-esteem and are asked to write a personal example of the each phrase.

Worksheet 2: Self Esteem (L2)  

The learners are encouraged to define self-esteem.

Grades 4-5

Learners are instructed to write a short paragraph explaining why they think it is important to do the particular activities in order to improve their self-esteem.

Worksheet 3: Self Esteem (L3)

Learners explore and define the term “unique”, explores the concept of “uniqueness”.

Grades 5-6

It is imperative that the learners know and understand that they are unique. A word search is presented and the learners are given possible factors that can make them unique and they are instructed to find and circle the given factors.

Worksheet 4: Decision Making (L1)         

The learners define the terms “decision” and “outcome”, and “consequence”.         

Grades 3-4

A short case study is given to the learners to read and understand the relationship between decisions, outcomes and consequences. After the case study is explained for further understanding, the learners are instructed to write their own short case study that shows a decision an outcome as well as a consequence.

Worksheet 5: Decision Making (L1)

The learners brainstorm common decisions that are made at school, at home, and with friends.

Grades 3-4

Decisions need to be made every day, whether it be a big decision or a small decision. This activity encourages learners to write three decisions that they would make at home, at school and when they are with their friends.

Worksheet 6: Decision Making (L2)

The learners link the definition and causes of self-image and the effects on behavior.

Grades 4-5

Learners are to be aware of their self-image and how self-image can affect ones behavior. A short case study is given with the scenario of self-image. Space is provided for them to write a short story about a person who was faced with a situation that could change their self-image.

They are given the freedom to end their story negatively or positively, the most important thing is, that they note the lessons as in the example that was given. They also have an option to be creative and draw a picture of the character of their story.

Worksheet 7: Decision Making (L3)

Learners are encouraged to define the terms “goal”, short-term goal”, and “long-term goal”, they are also given space to write a personal short-term and long-term goal statement.

Grades 5-6

Goals are important in one’s life. The term ‘goal’ was defined. Long term and short-term goals were also explained. Learners are then instructed to write a short letter to their school guidance counselor, telling him or her about three long-term goals and three short-term goals that they have set for themselves.

Their goals could be school related, personal or based in their community.

Worksheet 8: Decision Making (L3)

Learners define the term risk behavior, they are also encouraged to generate examples of risk behaviors and the effect it has on achieving personal goals.

Grades 5-6

The following activity focuses on types of risk behaviors that may affect you and the people around you. You would learn what a ‘risk behavior’ is and also be required to generate examples of them and how it may affect your goals that you have set for yourself.

Worksheet 9: Decision Making (L1)

Learners are encouraged to try and distinguish between everyday decisions and difficult decisions.

Grades 3-4

Decisions are an everyday unconscious or conscious activity. We make decisions for everything. This activity highlights the difference between to the two categories of decisions.

Worksheet 10: Decision Making (L1)

The learners are informed about decision making and identifies a process for making decisions and solving problems. They are encouraged to practice the three-step “Stop, Think, and Go” decision-making model using scripted and unscripted scenarios.

Grades 3-4

This activity helps analyse the decision-making process using a simple three step process called the Stop, Think and Go method.

 Worksheet 11: Decision Making (L2)

The learners are informed about decision making and identifies a process for making decisions and solving problems. They are encouraged to practice the three-step “Stop, Think, and Go” decision-making model using scripted and unscripted scenarios.

Grades 4-5

This activity starts off with an explanation of the 3-step process followed by a short story. After reading the story, the learners are required to show their comprehension of the 3-step process by identifying them based on the story.

Worksheet 12: Decision Making (L3)

The learners are informed about decision making and identifies a process for making decisions and solving problems. They are encouraged to practice the three-step “Stop, Think, and Go” decision-making model using scripted and unscripted scenarios.

Grades 5-6

A poem based on decision-making and problem solving is given. Learners are required to read it and thereafter attempt to compose a poem of their own using their creativity. The poem can be however long or short they want it to be.

Worksheet 13: Smoking Information (L2)

Learners examine the immediate and long-term effects of smoking on personal health they are also encouraged to brainstorm the harmful immediate and long-term effects of smoking and tobacco use on body systems and personal health.

Grades 4-5

This activity helps learners to identify the dangers of smoking, both long term and short term, they are given some examples and there after they need to find out a few more dangers.

Worksheet 14: Smoking Information (L2)

The learners are prompted to identify and counter common myths and misconceptions about the use of cigarettes and other forms of tobacco, They are also asked to brainstorm reasons why people may choose to smoke or not to smoke.

Grades 4-5

This activity begins with a short story about two friends and their different views on smoking. The learner is required to comprehend and respond to the questions that follow the story.

Worksheet 15: Smoking Information (L3)

The learner is presented with facts about perceived benefits of smoking vs long-term effects, social and legal responses to smoking rights of smokers and reasons why smoking is not popular or social accepted.

Grades 5-6

As human beings we have rights that we are entitled to when it comes to our health. The same applies when it involves smoking. This exercise focuses on the rights of smokers and non-smokers and why it is not popular among certain people.

Worksheet 16: Advertising (L3)

Learners are given information about advertising and are asked to discuss the purpose of advertising.

Grades 5-6

This activity defines the terms like ‘consumers’ and ‘advertising’. It also highlights that advertisers may persuade consumers using exaggeration or deception about the claims of products.

Worksheet 17: Advertising (L3)

Learners are asked to identify common advertising techniques and advertising media.

Grades 5-6

This worksheet defines the term lure and target marketing, helping learners to identify the world of advertising around them. It also names the techniques of advertising; this particular activity may require adult assistance.

Worksheet 18: Communication Skills (L1)

Learners are asked to explore the role of feelings as non-verbal aspect of communication.

Grades 3-4

This worksheet helps learners understand what communication is, they are further instructed to make a list of feeling words to help in communicating. They are also encouraged to draw facial expressions and write effects of keeping feelings bottled up.

Worksheet 19: Communication Skills (L3)

Learners learn the difference between passive and active listening techniques.

Grades 5-6

The activity begins with definitions of passive listening and active listening followed by steps and techniques on how to listen both actively and passively. 

Practices for techniques for active and passive listening are also listed. There is an active group activity to help learners practice the two types of listening.

Worksheet 20: Social Skills (L1)

Learners are encouraged to identify the qualities that are important in friendship.

Grades 3-4

This fun activity helps discuss the obstacles to friendship and identify personal friendship attributes. Part of the activity helps brainstorm adjectives that describe a friend and distinguish the qualities that make a friend from those that do not make a friend. 

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