Online reading & math for K-5 Addition up to 20 Kindergarten Addition Worksheet Add the two numbers: 1. 1 + 6 = 7 2. 5 + 6 = 11 3. 8 + 3 = 11 4. 4 ... Downloads
Preview and Download !The following worksheets and activities focus students’ attention on using 10 to subtract to help them decompose numbers within 20. In order to use 10 subtract, students need to be able to break apart numbers into 1 and a number and 2 and a number. Use 10 is most effectively learned when adding or subtracting +9 and +8, so problem sets focus on Downloads
Preview and Download !In this lesson, students will use the "make-a-ten" strategy to add two whole numbers within 20. Students will utilize a ten frame and 2-color counters to complete this activity. Making a Ten Resource Type: Problem-Solving Task This task is designed to help students visualize where the 10's are on a single digit addition Downloads
Preview and Download !Printable Worksheets @ Name : Answer Key Count the objects in each set. Compare using >, <, or = as appropriate. 1) > 2) Downloads
Preview and Download !Numbers 0-20 ! Elementary Draw a line between the item on the left and the matching item on the right. thirteen seventeen ten nineteen two twenty eleven fourteen fifteen seven six one three zero 11 10 20 13 1 7 17 3 19 2 0 6 14 15 . Title: Numbers 0-20 Worksheet Author: Downloads
Preview and Download !Write the numbers 1-20 – more resources: Can be copied and distributed for educational and non-profit purposes - images: Downloads
Preview and Download !correct order 11-20 3. Teach numbers 11-20 Now that you have all the numbers on the board, you can chorus them with your class. Start with 11 and chorus it 3 times with the class. Continue with all the numbers. Now chorus each number in turn (11, 12, 13, etc.) and run through 11-20 a few times, each time getting faster and faster. Now, put your ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Writing numbers worksheets Author: Samuel Created Date: 6/7/2011 3:20:39 PM ... Downloads
Preview and Download !numbers in order 11-20. Now, get the class to shout out their numbers from 11-20, down the line. Make it a game – each round try and do it faster than the last! 5. Do the "Write the numbers 1-20 on the board" activity You are going to get everyone to help write the numbers on the board which you can use when singing the "Canción Números 1 ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Grade 1 counting objects to 20 worksheet -a Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 1 worksheet counting objects and writing number Keywords: Grade 1 worksheet counting objects and writing number Created Date: 20150828221931Z Downloads
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