Character Motivation: Motivation is a feeling, an idea, or a goal that causes a character to act in a certain way. Sometimes a character’s motivation is clearly stated by the author. Sometimes motivation is not clearly stated but can be determined from a character’s words and actions. Downloads
Preview and Download !Research shows that if you identify and develop your strengths of character, you will be more productive, happy, and able to overcome adversity. Instructions: Below is a list of personal strengths. Read through the list. When you find a strength that describes you, circle it. Next, condense the circled list to the 10 strengths that most ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Character Twenty Questions Worksheet Whether you're starting fresh or have been working on a story for a while, you'll be amazed at how many hidden dimensions these quick questions will reveal about your characters. WHAT YOU DO: Write phrases or adjectives to describe each of your major characters (and some of your minor ones). Downloads
Preview and Download !Character Builder Fundamentals Story Title_____ Character Name_____ Main character Minor character Protagonist/supporter Antagonist/supporter Physical appearance (Gender, age, body type, hair, eyes, facial features, dress, posture, movements, mannerisms, speech, first impression) ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Character Arc Worksheet Character Name: 1. The Lie: a. This is something your character thinks is a strength, but maybe doesn’t want people to know about him/her. b. Be mean to your character, find out what they want, then give them flaws that makes it near impossible to achieve their goal, have the flaws get in the way & mess stuff up. i. Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: Microsoft Word - website--Character Worksheet.doc Author: Jenny Created Date: 9/3/2007 7:59:18 PM Downloads
Preview and Download !CHARACTER EDUCATION ULTIMATE CURRICULUM GUIDE T he newspaper is a valuable source of information for students. Reading a newspaper each day keeps people informed about major issues and events that affect their lives. Helping students use a newspaper also teaches them an important skill for lifelong learning. Downloads
Preview and Download !Character Practice Directions: Read each numbered item. Highlight the specific evidence from the text that lead you to each character trait. Circle the character trait it describes or suggests. Circle the method of characterization used by the author to reveal that trait. Characterization is the way an author develops a character, or reveals who characters are and what they are like. Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: Arch Chinese Author: Subject: Character Writing Practice Sheet Created Date: 1/29/2015 5:31:00 PM Downloads
Preview and Download !Sub-ordinate Character: ( ) Reinforces a main character ( ) Encourages and supports main character ( ) Adds humor ( ) Brings out Protag’s Strength ( ) Piles on complications Downloads
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