#LearnThisSummer : Learn Tamil : #LanguageLove

August 7, 2018 by admin

As we draw to the close of the summer Vacation 2018, here is a blog post dedicated to all our patrons who asked for a compilation of Tamil worksheets. What better way to close the series than with an orchestra of one of the oldest surviving Classical languages?

Tamil – Tamil is both a language and an ethnicity. The power of this language is so tremendous that native speakers identify themselves with it. For many, Tamil becomes the perfection that they sought in their prayers.

Tamil is spoken in the southern part on India and is one of the top 20 languages spoken across the world (ranked 18th). It is also the 5th most-spoken language in India.

Tamil, they say, is the oldest Living Language in the world. Which is to mean that this language which was spoken before 500BC is still being used today. Extensively. Can you count the generations passed in between? That would be more than 150 generations easily. Can you imagine how many great-great-great-grandparents it would take ti get there? Do you know what your grand parents of the 100th generations might’ve spoken? Hard to imagine, right?

No wonder Tamil people identify themselves with this great language. So here is to you. For attempting to learn the language!

Tamil for Beginners Worksheets
Tamil Alphabets Worksheets
Tamil Basics Worksheets
Tamil Reading for Beginners Worksheets
Tamil Comprehension for Beginners Worksheets
Tamil Writing for Beginners Worksheets
Tamil Grammar Basics Worksheets
Tamil Pronunciation Charts Worksheets
Tamil Adjectives Worksheets
Tamil Verbs Worksheets
Tamil Conjunction Worksheets
Tamil Vocabulary Worksheets
Tamil Flash Cards

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