Here's the ultimate yoga pose directory featuring 101 popular yoga poses (asanas) for beginners, intermediate and advanced yogis. Includes photos, benefits and step-by-step instructions. We kick off our collection of yoga poses with a full-blown yoga pose chart. 1/117. 2/117. 3/117. 4/117. Downloads
Preview and Download !8- Rebecca elis Contact • ASSESSMENT • This section will give you an idea of where you are at right now. PLANNING • This section will help you create a personalized wellness plan. COMMUNITY This section will help define and build a supportive community. Downloads
Preview and Download !yoga experiences with their family and friends. • Feel free to add your own zoo-themed songs, music, relaxation stories, or props. • Make the Zoo Animals Yoga experience your own. • These yoga cards are designed to be a guide and can be adapted to suit your needs. Downloads
Preview and Download !Can wellbeing activities in this book be done with children and young people of all ages? Although this book is designed to be used with all school-aged children and young people, some activities Downloads
Preview and Download !24 Yoga Mats 1240146 Link to e-Store 24 Bean Bags 1293418 Link to e-Store 1 Music Player 1390187 Link to e-Store 24 Heart Rate Monitors (optional) 1457023 Link to e-Store Relaxation Mirror Task Cards Progressive Relaxation Script Brr…I am Cold! Teacher Movement Card Downloads
Preview and Download !Mindfulness: Center and ground yourself in the moment. Choose an activity to help you stay in the present moment. Ideas include - meditation, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, listening to Downloads
Preview and Download !The Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga 1. Yamas – right living with others" 2. Niyamas – right living with our inner minds and thoughts" 3. Asana (postures) – right living with our body" 4. Pranayama – right use of our energy" 5. Pratyahara – right use of our senses" 6. Dharana – concentration" 7. Downloads
Preview and Download !Printable activity cards Online resources . The Printable Activity Cards contain over 100 secondary appropriate and easy to integrate activities; including a lesson plan template for your students to create their own activities. To Print: These were compiled in a way for you to be able to print 2-4 slides per page. Downloads
Preview and Download !Color a picture, read a book, practice yoga, go for a walk outside, or write a story. Make your own list of relaxing activities you can do for times when you want to feel more calm. Focus Like a Flamingo ... Mindfulness excercise cards compiled and designed by Laura Drayton Downloads
Preview and Download !Cards for Kids in the Hospital Make get well cards for kids in local hospitals. Gather up your materials and your creative ideas to make something thoughtful for kids just like you. Donate to Charity There are probably at least a few things in your house right now that may be too small for you, or you no longer want to play with. Downloads
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