#FreeToolTips – 5 Free Screen Capturing Tools for Teachers

August 28, 2018 by admin

We bring to you a tool which has been as much taken for granted as it is unappreciated. Screen Capturing Tools. Yes. A hero unsung. Something that would often be at the mercy of a “Print Scr” key on the never-used-part of your keyboard. Or the wrestle of button-presses on your smart phone to take a screen-shot. But the interesting world of screen capture tools doesn’t start or end with just a screen-shot. True, a picture is worth a thousand words. But how you deliver it and when you deliver it also matters. Capturing your computer screen is a terribly handy trick in all sorts of situations, ranging from creating tutorials to capturing web moments for generations to come. But processing the image and sharing them effectively is another ball game altogether!

Screen Capture Tools

Picture worth a thousand words!

These days there are many apps which enable you to capture still shots, record your movements on the window and replay it, process/enhance/edit the material and share it with ease. So we have come out with this blog so that you could build a repertoire of strategic screen capture tools for the amazing class on well, anything! Here’s a pick of our favorites! We are limiting it to 5 owing to public opinion 😉


This little hip tool makes screen capture, editing and sharing easy on a simple platform. After you capture the screen you have an arsenal of options to process the image. They have a fully customizable tool and an image editor with all the basic features you’d be looking for. Not to mention the cloud storage and multiple ways of sharing the processed image. Well, this one is all you need at a go. This tool is free and allows you to upload desktop area image or files on the web really fast such as Desktop area capture and upload, Video capture and upload, Upload image from Clipboard, Upload text documents and much more.


These folks offer a wide variety of tools for capturing and viewing images. Faststone Capture 9.0 is the latest version of their screen capture tool which is as popular as it is simple. In their own words – A powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool that allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand regions and even scrolling windows/web pages. It also allows you to record screen activities and sound into video files. So that about covers all bases, aint it?


TechSmith Snagit 2018 is the only screen capture software with built-in advanced image editing and screen recording. So you can easily create high-quality images and videos all in one program. This is in their own words. Well. It is one good-looking product. We remember that we promised free tools. But we couldn’t help but give out this example of a paid-tool which is called by “corporate” for creating high quality screen captures. Snagit. But here is our little picker-upper for you. Jing is a free tool by the same folk. TechSmith. And Jing is every bit as cool as Snagit. They claim it to be a tool which can be used to create basic visual elements and share them with others.


This image and video screen capture tool is a boon. They give out the free basic version for Windows users, which is to mean that they have paid versions packed with features. The basic version is limited and has their branding on it. But it serves the purpose well all the same. You can capture what you see on your screen with just a few clicks, manage your capture history by workspaces. You can also edit and highlight stuff in your screen-shots with their built-in image editor. They also give you a document generator to  create PDF documents. Well, it IS an easy and comprehensive capture tool that allows one to label, sort and edit captures into custom folders by topic and instantly share or post them to multiple cloud storage portals.

Screenshot Captor

Screenshot Captor is amongst the best-in-class tool for grabbing, manipulating, annotating, and sharing screenshots. It’s different from other screenshot utilities in several notable ways such as optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention; highly configurable to make it work the way you want it to but stays out of your way in the system tray and has basic editing features as well. The Version 4 (latest version) comes with a sharing feature for easy automatic or on-demand uploading of screenshots to image hosting services. Cool huh? You can take snapshots from webcams and record video with the ESR add-on. Its user-friendly with a new optional quick-capture docking bar and post-capture action dialog. They also provide a full set of scanner acquisition tools and scanner image correction.Another little feature worth mentioning is the smart autonaming of files, easy renaming and format conversion, as well as the automatic image file versioning. Makes handling easier when you do screen capturing for a living 😉

Well, That’s what we promised! 5 free tools worth the promise!! Go ahead and play with pictures in your presentations as educators. Because we all know. A picture is worth a thousand words.

What are your fav screen capture tools? Give us your top picks in the comments.

We are all ears! <3

Team TheWorksheets.com


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